Saturday, October 05, 2024

RALLY: A view from the blue

| October 20, 2019 1:00 AM

I contributed my bit to the pro-Trump rally Oct. 17, sauntered into the thick of it (though with some foreboding) carrying a sign that read, “Because he’s a chronic liar, a sex offender, a Putin pal, etc., etc., etc., he must be impeached.”

Half an hour later, I returned to my pickup truck, unbloodied and in one piece, a bit to my surprise, having had a dozen or more encounters.

One tall lady, with a bit of professional air about her, when asked if she approved of Trump’s immigration policy, causing children to be put in cages, her retort was that Obama had done it first. All but knocked over by that knee jerk, I recovered enough to mumble a thank you and offer her my hand. She’d taught me something, after all. I took some refuge in humor, telling one man that his dog looked pretty smart and so must be a Democrat.

It was a little surprising not to find so much as a soft spot or hairline fracture in this group’s devotion to Trump. In their view, there’s no fault in anything he’s done or anything he may do, apparently. Yikes!

Thinking I might need some backup, it was discouraging at first not to see a counter demonstration. But in something like that, I wouldn’t likely have been talking, joking or shaking hands with any of these folks. More likely, I would have been across the road, giving them the evil eye.

From my experience, I see demonstrations and counter demonstrations losing their appeal. Not friendly enough. “Mingling” may be the wave of the future.


Coeur d’Alene