WARS: Take a stand, Congress
Last weekend, I joined more than 400 delegates from 47 states in Washington, D.C., as representatives of the Friends Committee on National Legislation to lobby our senators and representatives to repeal the 2002 Authorization of the Use of Military Force (AUMF). We did this because we do not want this president or any other president to use this authorization to justify unforeseen and unauthorized new wars.
We pointed out to them that the Iraq War was declared over in 2011; that this declaration is not needed for existing operations in the 41 countries we currently have military personnel stationed and it creates the potential for abuse. In Article I of the Constitution, the power to declare war is the sole responsibility of Congress. It is time for Congress to take that responsibility back.
I want to thank the representatives of Senator Crapo’s office, Senator Risch’s office and Representative Fulcher’s office for meeting with the Idaho delegates and listening to our concerns.