Saturday, October 19, 2024

MOMS: Facts are incomplete

| November 15, 2019 12:00 AM

This is a rebuttal to the My Turn article written by Karen Charbonneau about her vision of gun safety.

First off her organization, Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense, is a fully funded organization by Michael Bloomberg, former mayor of New York City and a multi-billionaire. You remember, he’s the mayor who prevented people from buying 40-ounce soft drinks because he thought they weren’t good for them. He is the consummate “Nanny State” executive and a rabid anti-gunner.

This group is nothing but another mouthpiece for him and his views. I’m sure most of the people in this group do not understand his ultimate goal is to disarm the American people, plain and simple. He has voiced this fact many times in many forums.

Ms. Charbonneau left out a few facts in her article. She stated that one of her group purchased a firearm over the internet. What she didn’t tell you is that person didn’t physically posses the firearm until they personally went to a local federally licensed firearm dealer, filled out all the paperwork required by the federal government, and then that the paperwork was submitted to the FBI for a background check on the buyer. All this had to be done prior to the purchaser actually physically having the firearm in their possession.

As far as the story about the revolver striking the floor and discharging, the gun had to be 40 years or older, as all newer ones have a feature that would prevent that.

