Saturday, December 28, 2024

THANKS: School board winner grateful

| November 8, 2019 12:00 AM

We won!

This victory is for all of us. It could not have been done without you. Thank you for giving me your vote and for trusting me to make the best decisions for our community. We built a silent campaign to improve our school board — and we did it!

Here are the results of the election: Ramona Grissom: 55.88% (342 votes) to John Michael Shaffer: 44.12% (270 votes).

I am particularly appreciative and humbled by those in our community who rallied behind me and believe I will protect the taxpayers’ dollars and work (hard) for a better classroom.

I’m looking forward to finding the answers to our questions, improving the district’s communication with the community and growing fiscal responsibility. I believe what Frank Lloyd Wright stated is accurate and fitting, “I know the price of success: dedication, hard work, and an unremitting devotion to the things you want to see happen.”

Again, I thank you with all my heart for your support the whole way through, and I look forward to your continued support these coming four years.


Lakeland Joint School District

Trustee Elect Zone 2