Thursday, October 10, 2024

YOUTH: Military training might help

| May 22, 2019 1:00 AM

We seem to be having more and more problems with our young people. Not all of them, of course, but many have no regard for the law, the rights of their fellow citizens, or respect for their elders.

Many young people have grown up with no male or effective female parent and discipline is absent. Many schools lack discipline. Some schools teach and preach that our form of government is all wrong. Some even teach anti-Americanism. Because of the above situations, many young people tend to gravitate toward gangs and rebel organizations. I am wondering if it isn’t time to enact a program of required military training for six months to one year.

Training should be rigorous, demanding and effective. Rigid discipline without hesitation taught and all should be taught to march and march with pride in accomplishment. Respect for the law, respect for elders, respect for those in authority, respect for our country, our rights and our freedoms are some of the many things that could be taught. Both boys and girls should be required to participate, but in separate facilities.

Someone needs to sell this entire concept to the right people. It may take awhile to get the necessary backing, but it should be done for the survival of our way of life. If you agree, please become active in supporting the idea. We need this program now!


Coeur d’Alene