Saturday, September 28, 2024

PROP 2: Say what, senator?

| March 27, 2019 1:00 AM

I became confused after reading Friday’s Press (A5). I found a Guest Opinion by Sen. Mary Souza discussing a variety of issues. One was the changes the Legislature were making in Senate Bill 1159 to make it more difficult for the public to be successful in passing those “pesky” initiatives. I can certainly understand why legislators don’t want people stirring up the water in their pond. However, the senator then went on to say “I realized, then, that many folks aren’t clear on the initiative process. Once it has enough signatures and passes election, the initiative bypasses the Legislature entirely and is signed into law, or not, by the governor.”

Then, right next to the senator’s Guest Opinion article was an article titled “Dueling Idaho Medicaid bills advance in House and Senate.” This article discussed a number of restrictions, requirements, poison pills, back doors and destructive language that the legislators are attaching to Proposition 2. Which, I believe, had the signatures and passed election by 61 percent. Perhaps it would be helpful if our Honorable Senator could take some time to educate her fellow legislators in Boise what “…the initiative bypasses the Legislature entirely…” means.

It has been evident for several years that the leadership in the Legislature were not interested in resolving the medical cost issues for any single person making more than $9,888 per year (the current Idaho Medicaid limit). Now after passage of Prop 2, they are expanding the help all the way up to those making $12,490 per year (100 percent of federal poverty level). Above that and you can buy your own insurance.

It is time that the Legislature listen to the voters and adopt Prop 2 as passed and get out of the way.


Hayden Lake