Sunday, September 29, 2024

Uphold the Constitution, no matter your religion

by Jan Conner Guest Opinion
| March 14, 2019 1:00 AM

Several years ago, when my son was still in high school, he wrote a letter to the editor of this fine paper. It was in regard to our country’s label of “Christian Nation” and the importance of maintaining that title. I don’t remember if it was a high school assignment, or exactly what it was that impressed him to write the letter. Perhaps it was just after President Obama’s statement that America is no longer a Christian nation. I simply remember his chosen topic and the many valid points he made to support his belief. And I loved that he cared enough to write it.

I think of that letter often these days. In light of what is happening in regard to Minnesota’s recent election of Ilhan Abdullahi Omar, I have come to realize to a greater degree the importance of maintaining the title of “Christian Nation.” Omar’s recent statements first blasting President Trump and now even President Obama are entirely uncalled for. Her connections to CAIR and appearances with terrorists are worrisome. She admits she backs BDS and begins her speeches with phrases even bothersome to fellow Muslims who have left the oppression of other countries for America. (See Samira Sadeque as one example.) Omar’s verbal attacks on our greatest ally, Israel, are absolutely out of line and disrespectful to an entire race. How is it that the Democrat Party sees no anti-Semitism there? How is it Speaker Pelosi allows her to go unchecked in her freshman platform? Why, when there are so many questions about her character before and since her election to office, is she not being investigated?

Omar was allowed to be sworn in to office on the Quran. She is allowed to wear head coverings in Congress, breaking a centuries old rule. (A partial repeal of the law was allowed in 2018, with her election.) She wears the hijab beautifully and actually I am not opposed to that — IF it isn’t demonstrative of her maintaining allegiance to Sharia law. But, this is also another exception that has been made for her. It has been reported that she supports Sharia law, over the U.S. Constitution. In allowing all of this, I feel we have opened an ugly can of worms. How many more allowances are we willing to make? Are we carefully monitoring the allegiance of those who might run for political office in our nation that was founded, rooted and grounded on Judeo/Christian beliefs?

Now I am all about freedom of religion in our nation. At this point, I am not opposed to a Muslim or Hindu or those of other faiths serving in our Congress. This is still America, after all. But I do feel those elected to office absolutely must be required to uphold our Constitution, our founding principles, and respect our nation’s Bible.

When we have come to the point that we are not requiring our representatives and senators to swear an allegiance to our Constitution, our founding documents and the source by which our founding stems — the Holy Bible — we are in serious trouble. We are and always have been a Christian Nation. And I now know even better, why it is imperative that we maintain that title.

“The general principles on which the fathers achieved independence were the general principles of Christianity. I will avow that I then believed, and now believe, that those general principles of Christianity are as eternal and immutable as the existence and attributes of God.” — John Adams — signer of the Declaration of Independence; judge; diplomat; one of two signers of the Bill of Rights; second president of the United States.

“To the triune God — the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost — be ascribed all honor and dominion, forevermore — Amen.” — From Gunning Bedford — military officer; member of the Continental Congress; signer of the Constitution; federal judge; one of many founders who asserted the same belief.


Jan Conner is an Athol resident.