Saturday, December 28, 2024

BIDEN: At odds with Bible

| June 23, 2019 1:00 AM

At an annual Human Rights Campaign in Ohio, Joe Biden stated in his keynote address that his top legislative priority was to support the LGBTQ. He went on to say that what President Trump is doing is immoral.

Let it be understood morality has to do with right and wrong behavior. God, our Creator, who made male and female made it very clear in Romans chapter 1 that same-sex unions are against the Creator’s plan. They are morally wrong and labeled by God an abomination.

In Genesis chapter 1 it says God created male and female in His own image. Immediately after His greatest creative act He told Adam and Eve to be fruitful and multiply, meaning to procreate. Two men or 2 women in union cannot bear babies.

We should all be disgusted with presidential candidate Joe Biden for making immoral behavior his first priority.

Also, numerous people have shared with me their disappointment in the mayor and Cd’A Press for sharing their front-page support for the unnatural, immoral, and gay pride celebration. This kind of behavior is often referred to as progressive. Progress means: Advancement, improvement, development in a direction considered superior; for the good of the people.

I have worked with enough people who are trapped in an addictive, abnormal lifestyle to know that they are not as fulfilled as they would like us to believe. True Progressives are willing to reach out and lovingly help those who are caught in a sexual addiction. Also, true Progressives promote equality and diversity without promoting immorality.

God’s plan for creating male and female is far superior to any improvement man can make. You can decide whether or not you want to believe in God, our Creator, but you cannot deny the existence of the Holy God who created us male and female.


Coeur d’Alene