TRUMP: The rankings aren't kind
Recently letters to the editor in the Coeur d’Alene Press have either glorified or vilified President Trump. What’s the truth? Let’s look at independent rankings.
Our international rankings for Press Freedom, Government Transparency, Healthiness, Happiness, Human Rights, Adherence to Law, World Reputation and International Approval have worsened in the last two years.
Even our own domestic ratings have deteriorated. Both the U.S. News & World Report and the Pew Research Center show declines in American trustworthiness and reputation.
Other data corroborates the above. American life expectancy is dropping, the opioid epidemic is growing, and our infrastructure is crumbling. Polls show Americans are less happy, less fit, less satisfied and more anxious under Trump’s administration than any time since the Vietnam War.
The World Freedom Report says no president has shown less respect for democracy than Trump. A United Nations report says Trump is the world’s worst perpetrator of fake news.
Our international reputation and standing is in tatters. Will that be Trump’s legacy?
Clarkston, Wash.