Saturday, December 28, 2024

GOVERNMENT: Not exactly efficient

| June 2, 2019 1:00 AM

Bernie Sanders is campaigning on free health care for all. So, 180 million folks with their own insurance would lose it and free government health care would kick in. So, how efficient is our government?

- Amtrak — just a few billion a year in the red.

- Post Office — a few more billion, postage soaring.

- Social Security — soon going bust.

- Medicare — runaway costs, kinda like a runaway freight train going downhill with a blind conductor.

These for starters and Bernie wants to put his pals in charge? God help us all!

Let’s look a little further down the road with Bernie’s plan. The lines to see a doctor would be so long that you’d most likely get well or die way before that happened. If health care is free, I would surmise that a sneeze, minor headache or broken fingernail would justify a doctor’s visit. Millions growing up with smartphones and no physical exercise cause a whole slew of serious health issues — yeah and longer lines to see a doctor, who by now will be limited to 3 minutes per patient.

Wait — it gets better.

States, left and right, are legalizing recreational marijuana. After smoking pot for a few years, millions will make those lines even longer, if in fact they can find the lines. Bernie’s free health care is not such a hot idea. Also, heads up if you plan on living past 65 because you will most likely be in line behind the 100,000 illegal immigrants monthly entering our country.


Coeur d’Alene