Pretty pooch, happy human
Barron isn’t just showing off for his mom, Deborah Rose of Athol.
We’ll have Deborah explain.
“My puppy, Barron, had a procedure on his ear last Friday. The vet sent him home wearing one of those horrible cones to keep him from scratching his ear with his hind leg (which he was trying to do.) Poor dog was slamming into everything with that thing, including my shins... Ouch!
“’This isn’t working well,’ I said, so I put to work the two genuis cells I inherited from my father and designed the gadget in the picture. This new collar is working perfectly and everyone is more comfortable.”
Somebody call the patent office, stat!
Who else has concocted an ingenious home remedy? Nobody? OK then, who has a cute puppy pic you’d love to share? Use the Press app and send us your photos.