Milestone Announcement
Raymond P. Fischer
Born July 6, 1929
On July 6, 2019, Ray celebrated his 90th birthday.
Ray grew up in Montana, and while in the Air Force was stationed all over the United States, including Texas, California, Alaska and Georgia. After the Air Force, he worked as a civilian at Edwards Air Force Base in California, then started a career with Sears Roebuck as an electronics and appliance repairman, store manager and traveling catalog store supervisor. He moved his family to Coeur d’Alene in 1966 while with Sears, and later managed the catalog store here. He then ran his own appliance repair shop for years before finishing out his working career as manager of the Lake Tower Apartments.
He attributes his long life to keeping active with his loving family and friends, playing cards often, and taking care of his cat Cali, and his garden.
Congratulations and Happy Birthday Ray!
We Love You!
— Your Family
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