Saturday, May 04, 2024

DEBT: Weighing us down

| January 30, 2019 12:00 AM

Regarding the national debt (as publicly reported), one million in $100 bills weighs approximately 22 pounds. One billion weighs 22,000 pounds. One trillion weighs 22,000,000 pounds. That’s 22 million pounds, folks! Do you see where this is going? 21 trillion weighs 462,000,000 pounds — 231,000 tons. More than two nuclear powered aircraft carriers. Can you now fathom what our elected officials have saddled present taxpayers and future generations with?

I’ve heard recommended solutions from a national sales tax (has some merit) to selling all federal lands (except D.C.) to the states; to hang ‘em all in D.C. and disavow all debt held by foreign countries; to conquering the countries holding our debt (no merit whatsoever).

Is there any practical solution? I suggest get out of personal debt and wait patiently for the God of Heaven to have his day of justice and judgment over the wicked and corrupt. It’s not far off, folks.

