Saturday, May 04, 2024

ABORTION: NY law lament

| January 27, 2019 12:00 AM

I find it disturbing that the day after a horrific law is signed in New York, there is not one mention of it in the liberal paper we have. It makes me sick to see the smiling faces of those signing the law giving women more “human rights.” But what about the human rights of that child?

This law is MURDER, plain and simple. Don’t try to whitewash it, saying it is a “human right.” Whether you believe it or not, God said, “You shall not kill.”

Someday, hopefully soon, God will return and every single person (me included) will face judgment and the consequences of that judgment. That includes those signing this law and those who commit the murders. Our only hope is the blood of Christ who took away the sins of the people by giving up His own life. Accept this Grace and Gift of God and spend eternity with Him.


Post Falls