Saturday, May 04, 2024

WALL: Where's the beef?

| January 13, 2019 12:00 AM

In a “fact checking” article, the Boston Globe reported: “In his prime-time speech to the nation, President Donald Trump wrongly accused Democrats of refusing to pay for border security.”

Not fully trusting the credibility of an acknowledged liberal source’s evaluation, I turned to a well-documented CATO Institute report from last month titled “45,000 Special Interest Aliens Caught Since 2007, But No U.S. Terrorist Attacks from Illegal Border Crossers.” (Dec. 17, 2018).

Interestingly, that article concluded, “So far, there have been zero people murdered or injured in terror attacks committed by illegal border crossers on U.S. soil. This includes those who entered as illegal immigrants and those who entered illegally and then applied for asylum. Only seven terrorists from special interest countries, all of whom entered prior to the government putting those countries on a list, even entered the U.S. illegally by crossing a land border. Two of them were arrested within hours of doing so, two others received asylum, and none of them crossed the Mexican border.

“Our above evidence is based on past events. The future could be different, but those who think that special interest aliens from these countries will enter illegally across the Mexican border and commit terrorist attacks here should present some compelling evidence before policymakers take them seriously.”

Given the reckless rhetoric on both sides of this issue, I, like the good folks at the Cato Institute, await that “compelling evidence.”


Coeur d’Alene