Saturday, May 04, 2024

RESOLUTIONS: Action is better

| January 4, 2019 12:00 AM

I find resolutions to be empty and hollow of purpose. Resolutions are made every year, and every year most find themselves disappointed. Why? Because they hope and dream rather than wake up and work. Their resolutions never find wings to fly away from the nest of imagination into the vastness of opportunity found in reality.

The greatest of minds will do no good if their thoughts and ideas remain mere thoughts and ideas.

Just as runners exercise their legs today for the race in the future, so great minds must draft the blueprints of their ideas today that can be constructed into reality tomorrow.

In all things application is key.

The keys to a vehicle are of no use if you do not put them into the ignition and start it.

All the greatness one has is of no use if he or she does not use it.

Only a fool sits and dreams alone while a wise man works hard and amasses the needed resources to attain success in his or her goals.

I desire that my generation be not a generation of mere whimsical dreamers that suckle on the bib of hopes and longings, but rather, one of action that can digest the harsh truths of reality that it might nourish their reason and understanding of the world they live in.

It’s time to wake up from 2018 and make the dreams of last year the reality of 2019.

Yesterday we dreamed. Today we wake up and make our yesterday a reality.


Coeur d’Alene