Sunday, October 13, 2024

CHART: Leftist all the way

| February 22, 2019 12:00 AM

A leftist chart with the headline “Blaze through the maze of media bias” appeared on The Press Sunday edition (front page). As managing editor, Michael Patrick should be ashamed of himself endorsing the person providing the fake information. The chart, created by Adfontes founder Vanessa Otero, appears in a dog and pony format. Patrick promotes the young girl as well versed in her research.

Vanessa Otero is an AOC wannabe attention-getter. She herself admits she has only researched the topic for only two years. Let’s look at just a few fallacies depicted by the chart: AP (Associated Press), ABC, Time and CBS are depicted as neutral balanced bias. On the contrary, it is well-known that these four have a reputation of presenting fake news and often are a mouthpiece for the leftist political agenda in this country. CNN is depicted on the line skewing left from neutral balanced bias. Wrong. CNN is a fake news outfit bent on destroying the president through its leftist support of politics.

Last but not least, Fox News is depicted as hyper-partisan right. It is well-known that Fox is the most fair and balanced of all sources combined, however, this writer believes they do lean to the left occasionally. Can we finally dispense with the notion that The Press is NOT a leftist paper with displays such as this? The front-page placement implies that Press readers are idiots unable to determine media sources and their content on their own.


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