Monday, October 14, 2024

Keep the home fires burning

by Jack Evensizer Correspondent
| December 25, 2019 12:00 AM

Happy holidays, everybody! This is a joyous time of year. We celebrate Christmas with bright colored lights and festive decorations and are with family and friends during this holiday season. Our children enjoy the long-awaited Christmas vacation from school and are excited about opening their presents that are under the tree. They make Christmas time very special for us.

For us veterans, our season starts with Veterans Day, our day to celebrate. This year, The American Legion celebrates its 100th anniversary, as does the National Football League. I guess the NFL and our military do have something in common.

We look forward to Thanksgiving dinner and family gatherings. Some families have an empty chair at their table to remember a loved one. Gold Star families who gave it all have an empty chair forever. Blue Star families look forward to the return of their loved ones from war. Those absent during this holiday season are not forgotten.

We remember that many people are on duty during the holidays. Right here at home, our first responders are standing by to render aid when an emergency occurs. What is more impressive than seeing a fire engine with lights and siren responding on a call?

The behemoth sounding its air horn at intersections alerts us of the urgency of its response, with brave firefighters on board to help us in a time of need. We know that a police cruiser with lights and siren is on its way to an unknown situation. Our law enforcement officers are the Blue Line that keeps us safe from the dark side. Kudos to our firefighters and law enforcement officers for all that you do.

Hospital personnel and ambulance crews are always on duty to take care of us, no matter what. During the holidays, I’m sure that there’s always a plate of Christmas cookies somewhere within arm’s reach (operating rooms excluded, of course).

Many others are on the job, missing their family celebrations. Restaurants and hotels are open during this time of year. Who could forget the cashier at the convenience store serving your last-minute shopping? These and so many more are working, and all of you deserve to be recognized for your dedicated service.

Who could forget our letter carriers who deliver our mail, and those who deliver our Press EVERY DAY? Thank you so much for a service that is so common that we forget to say thank you. So, thank you for your unselfish service.

For our troopers steadfastly doing their duty in the air, on the high seas, or on guard in a distant land, you are valued and not forgotten, especially at this time of year. On that note, I discovered a British vocal group called “The D-Day Darlings” portrayed as a British wartime group of women attired in WW II uniforms, complete with hairstyling of the ‘40s. They perform live concerts and have several videos on YouTube. Appearing on “Britain’s Got Talent,” they present an amazing performance of “The White Cliffs of Dover.” Also, on YouTube is their rendition of “Keep the Home Fires Burning,” a WWII patriotic song that reminds us of loved ones in harm’s way. Here are the words:

They were summoned from the hillside,

They were called in from the glen,

And the country found them ready

At the stirring call for men.

Let no tears add to their hardships

As the soldiers pass along,

And although your heart is breaking,

Make it sing this cheery song:

Keep the Home Fires Burning,

While your hearts are yearning.

Though your lads are far away

They dream of home.

To all of those on duty who dream of home and my fellow veterans who have seen the elephant of combat, please know that you are valued and not forgotten. Even though you cannot be home for Christmas, you will be Home for Christmas in your dreams.

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all! Ho-Ho-Ho.

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Jack Evensizer is a resident of Dalton Gardens