Friday, October 11, 2024

BUILDING: Preserve historic homes

| August 28, 2019 1:00 AM

To Our County Commissioners:

As a coalition of neighbors in the historic Government Way district, we thank you for your hard work and concerted efforts to benefit the citizens of Kootenai County.

In matters concerning our neighborhood, and, specifically, the home at 627 Government Way, known as the Romer Building:

- We request a formal, well-advertised public meeting with the Board of Commissioners to discuss the future of this, and other, historic homes in our neighborhood, scheduled for September/October.

- We are in the process of referencing legal counsel as to the coalition’s desire to see this home at 627 preserved and kept on the same lot … not moved or demolished. At the public meeting, we will present any and all documentation supporting this long held ownership/neighborhood designation.

- We request the Kootenai County Board of Commissioners promptly postpone any and all plans to demolish this home until such time as all parties involved and recently informed have had a hearing at the public meeting.

As elected public officials who are charged with the duties of overseeing and administering the tax dollars of your constituency, we, the tax paying constituency, believe firmly that we have a right to say what is done with our tax dollars. We also maintain the right to have a say in what goes on in our neighborhoods, and the impact thereof on our quality of life.

Thank you for your cooperation with the members of the county you represent.


Government Way Historic Neighborhood Coalition