STUFF: Have you noticed?
I’ve noticed:
- If businesses are clean, give good value and service, they’ll most often succeed.
- America is about the only country others want to visit and stay!
- The Hollywood crowd always threaten to leave America — but don’t (darn it). The squad do hate America — just listen to them!
- If you have a horse, “Eats like a horse” takes on a whole new meaning.
- Old age really isn’t for sissies.
- Anonymous sources shouldn’t be used as reliable for anything.
- Steve Meyer and Charlie Nipp (Parkside Properties) must own a billion feet of rental space — truly an American success story!
- The huge number of pickups on the road cost way more than my first house.
- The anger and hate spewed by liberals against anyone who doesn’t agree with them.
- The huge number of “Parker” dealer plates in Coeur d’Alene
- Hagadone family Christmas fireworks far surpass those on July Fourth. (grateful for both)
- Democrats in Congress surely take a daily “unhappy” pill.
- Free stuff only comes from another’s labor.
- “You’re a racist” is the continuing marching order of the left.
- When God was removed from schools, our downward spiral began.
- For liberals, late-term abortion is fine, but don’t you dare spank your child.
- The great job Mayor Widmyer and our city government are doing.
- As you get older, you don’t get wiser — just older.
- Folks in Coeur d’Alene are mostly super nice people, happy to be here — Californians included.
Coeur d’Alene