EXPERIMENTS: Law or lawlessness?
Do you remember that old man Albert Einstein? He was always doing “Thought Experiments.” You know — if I ride a tricycle, or Harley, or F35 jet, and I chase a light beam, what would it look like when I caught up with it?
There is another old man, Special Counsel Robert Mueller. The Republicans were mean to him? Mueller said that he first worked for Bush. The answer was Reagan. Hey, in our schools he would get partial credit (95%) — better than answering Lincoln?
Are we better off with a French Revolution with Maximilian Robespierre or with the American Revolution with George Washington?
Now it is true that many French lost their heads by guillotine in the “Reign of Terror” — even Robespierre never made it to old man, dying at the age of 36.
One variable to get rid of are those 10-20% of people who believe they are accountable to a CREATOR. Problem: we do not have enough hungry (Mountain) Lions to eat them!
But we can still hold “Religion” constant. Say, a worldwide Deism? OK for God to be out there? But we control Earth! Maybe, also the moon! Problem: those 12 Apollo astronauts were all men (“racism”) except for Harrison Schmitt. He (they!) was a geologist.
Now is there such a thing as Law and therefore Lawlessness? Did not Darwin say the “Survival of the Fittest?” Is Evolution a law or would Einstein say it is only relative?
Oops, the Editor says 250 words is to be held constant. But my title is only relative!
Sorry, my bias says beware of Lawlessness and those who promote it.
Hayden Lake