FIASCO: Where government falters
The National Health Care Software Fiasco series by Uyless Black is spot on. I have vivid memories of my doctor entering data during our appointments. The frustration was clearly evident both in the spoken word and the body language.
The concept that all electronic health records were to be available in the same format across all medical computers somehow slipped by the administrators. Looking back, they determined the “missing element” was this interoperability function. $36 billion is a lot of money in anybody’s budget. Government has functions it alone can do and it has many activities it should never be involved in. Government can set desired goals and then step back and let others better suited compete to provide the best product.
If a man is elected to the highest office in the land and his total work experience is that of a community organizer, and if he appoints clones to positions of importance, then ignorance and incompetence are the logical and expected outcomes.
In the computer world there is a hard truth: GIGO (garbage in — garbage out).
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