MEDIA: Just like Pravda
I wish to thank you for printing Article 1 of the Bill of Rights always at the top of the editorial page! It gives a great boost to freedoms which are given to us as citizens.
The freedom of the press suggests that it is to always report facts and always the truth! I am assuming that the press and TV would be in wholehearted favor of it being so! Why, then, do the mainstream news agencies run with stories that any thinking person knows are totally false and later when truth be known never acknowledge this untruth and even worse, censor out of the news anything positive which comes from this administration? Truly 90 percent of the news about our country and the administration is untrue!
One of my friends asked me if I knew the meaning of Pravda. The dictionary definition of Pravda is “the truth!” We know it was, and probably still is, the official organ to dispense the Russian Communist line. Anyone who has lived in the early time of the USSR period knows that most Russians and the whole world knew that if something was in Pravda it was untrue, always you believe the very opposite of Pravda if you seek real truth!
Sadly, the news outlets in the USA should almost all be considered by the same standard! My friend agrees that the news media is the enemy of the people, but even more than that, the press is the ultimate enemy of the truth!
Our Congress hates President Trump more than it loves the safety and success of our dear USA. They are the real obstructionists!
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