Saturday, December 28, 2024

REBUTTAL: Let's talk, Allen

| April 10, 2019 1:00 AM

I’m confident that the intention behind Allen Marsh’s opinion on global warming and then taking a sharp turn down a rabbit hole off subject on the homosexual community was perhaps based on misguided fear and lack of understanding.

Allen, I do believe global warming is a growing threat to our future. Where you and I disagree is not the issue but in the handling of it. I would wager we both agree on the mismanagement by government agencies and intrusion through taxes for political gain. I can’t disavow the ire you might feel but encourage you to please never paint a community’s issues by the people who comprise it; rather by the outside components that created them and the politically archaic legislation that furthers it.

Spiritual renewal and reformation happen not when we legislate morality or reshape policy based on theocracy, but when we learn to relate, understand and engage with those you continue to call “they.” If you would like to have a cup of coffee as my treat, I would greatly enjoy the chance to meet you. I admire your zeal, though disagree with the way you display it. I also believe you’re well-intentioned. Please reach out to me if you would like to meet, friend.


Coeur d’Alene