Saturday, December 28, 2024

GUNS: Training is the key

| April 10, 2019 1:00 AM

A recent “My Turn” column on safe gun ownership validates some recently expressed concerns. The motto expressing the right to own a firearm coupled with the responsibility to use it wisely and safely is valid, if truly accompanied with the rigorous training advocated by the editorialist. This high level of education and lack of screening, unfortunately, is not required for gun ownership or even for those who carry concealed weapons in the state of Idaho.

This lack of any required education and screening allows individuals, who may be at risk to do harm, to have the means concealed at their side to perpetrate that harm. Even the good citizen who has not had the training to make the “triage” decision of how to appropriately respond in a deadly situation, has a significant chance of placing themselves and others at a greater risk of harm.

Appropriate screening, rigorous education and training, if required, as with many of our other “rights,” may prevent some of the risk and alleviate some concerns this divisive topic brings up.

“All rights ‘do’ have commensurate duties and responsibilities.” So there is some common ground that I have with the editorialist.


Coeur d’Alene