PIKE: A political casualty
I oppose any removal of northern pike from the southern end of Lake Coeur d’Alene. I have fished this area for more than 60 years and have seen an increase in fishing opportunity with the introduction of pike. They are a predator fish, yes, but so are the bass and pike minnow. The bass and northern pike are ambush predators, whereas the northern pike minnow is an open water predator.
I have cut a lot of northern pike, bass and pike minnow open to exam their stomachs. Bass and northern pike have rats, perch, small bass and pike, and an occasional small duck in them. The pike minnows I have examined have had some of the same, plus the deeper water fish like blue back, trout, etc. Most fish feed on minnows which may include trout at times, but the pike minnow has much more effect on the trout population. The question is: Does fish predation affect the cut-throat as much as other factors? Water flow, environment, etc.
The other side of the coin is: Why try to eliminate a fishery that provides recreation and food to a large portion of the local population just to improve the population of a fish that (in that area) provides nothing for anybody? This looks like an ill-conceived plan based on political reasons. Please start managing for the majority of residents, not special interest groups.
St. Maries