Tuesday, May 07, 2024

GOP: Your time is up

| April 5, 2019 1:00 AM

Idaho has been a one-party state for way too long. Stop voting for Republicans. Vote for Democrats/Libertarians/Constitutional party, but not Republicans. They’ve become fat and arrogant in their long tenure.

We overwhelmingly passed an initiative providing Medicaid to working families who make too much to qualify for regular Medicaid. We passed the initiative we wanted. If we’d wanted all the crap the Republicans are trying to stick on the bill, we’d have put that in the initiative in the first place. We also didn’t include a change to the requirements for citizen initiatives which the arrogant Republicans have cooked up because they don’t like to be told by the citizens what to do.

Well, listen up, arrogant Republicans. We, the citizens, have told you what to do. DO IT. I would hope that this newspaper and others around the state would publish the names of the legislators that have chosen to jack around with the initiative and the initiative process so we can vote them out of office next election.

