Tuesday, May 07, 2024

CONCERNED: Three key issues

| April 3, 2019 1:00 AM

On March 8 and March 15, I emailed Representatives Barbieri and Green asking why they voted NO on the “Child Marriage” bill. As of March 30, I have not received a response. I am assuming my correspondence wasn’t important enough to receive a reply. This lack of courtesy will definitely make a difference in my vote when they are up for re-election.

Republican legislators — pay attention! SB 1159 should NOT be passed and if it is, it should be VETOED. In my opinion, the reason the Medicaid bill passed was because you, as a party, didn’t do your job and explain in great detail the ramifications of its passage. You are acting like spoiled children who, when they don’t win, want to change the rules! I am a registered Republican and you need to leave the INITIATIVE PROCESS alone. Also, I DID NOT vote for the Medicaid expansion but it passed — deal with it — but not by taking away Idaho citizens’ rights.

Needle and syringe exchange — really? I thought I lived in Idaho, not California or Sweden. Next, “they” want to legalize hemp, good cover for smuggling marijuana. Following close will be “safe zones” for purchasing, possessing and shooting heroin.

I really didn’t think Idaho would ever succumb to this insanity. My heart is aching…


Coeur d’Alene