TAX PLAN: Burden for the young
For decades the Republican Party has touted the need for fiscal restraint and a balanced budget. In reality, even with a Republican majority in Congress, their new tax plan has added $820 billion to our nation’s debt in a period of only 11 months. One percent of our population controls 52% of our nation’s wealth; that number is certainly not going to decrease. The President and Congress will point to the economy and the low unemployment rate; however, when you spend a trillion dollars more than you receive in revenue, in one year, the economy should be rosy. Congress should have listened to Warren Buffet’s advice.
I worry about our younger generations who didn’t benefit from the Post World War II stable economy. The average young family is out on a very thin financial limb. Members of Congress and the wealthy 1% will survive and prosper through a sudden downturn; but will our young families?
I can no longer support this fiscal insanity. This decision creates a dilemma for me; i.e. neither can I support the Bernie Sanders approach of a free lunch for everyone with more government handouts and regulations. I now consider myself to be an Independent voter.
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