ON THE AGENDA: Your local government and schools in action
This list of local government meetings taking place this week includes just highlights from published meeting agendas that are available. To view the complete agenda, visit the web addresses included with the listings or call the entities directly.
Coeur d’Alene General Services Committee | Noon. Regular meeting. Library Community Room, 702 E. Front Ave. 208-769-2231. cdaid.org
Coeur d’Alene Public Works Committee | 4 p.m. Regular meeting. Library Community Room, 702 E. Front Ave. 208-666-5754. cdaid.org
Coeur d’Alene School District Board of Trustees | 5 p.m. Regular meeting. Midtown Center, 1505 N. Fifth St. 208-664-8241. cdaschools.org
Post Falls School District Board of Trustees | 6 p.m. Regular meeting. River City Middle School, 1505 N. Fir. 208-773-1658. pfsd.com
Spirit Lake Urban Renewal Agency | 6:30 p.m. Regular meeting. Spirit Lake City Hall, 6042 W. Maine St. 208-623-2131. spiritlakeid.gov
Hayden City Council | 5 p.m. Regular meeting. Hayden City Hall, 8930 N. Government Way. 208-772-4411. cityofhaydenid.us
Coeur d’Alene Planning Commission | 5:30 p.m. Regular meeting. Agenda includes: a proposal by the City of a 48+/- acre annexation from County Industrial to City C-17 and and a 46+/- acre annexation of the Spokane River to City NW (Navigable Water) zoning district, located at 3074 W. Seltice Way; Ron Ayers is requesting approval of a proposed R-34 Density special use permit in the R-17 zoning district, located at 1750 N. Pinewood Court; Dave and Yvonne Palmer are requesting approval of a proposed 2.50 acre annexation from Agricultural Suburban to City R-1; CDA School District 271 is requesting approval of a proposed 7.18 acre annexation from County Agricultural to City R-8 and a proposed Community Education special use permit, located at 2008, 1950 and 1914 Prairie Ave. Library Community Room, 702 E. Front Ave. 208-769-2240. cdaid.org
Lakeland School District Board of Trustees | 6 p.m. Regular meeting. Administration Offices, 15506 N. Washington St. 208-687-0431. lakeland272.org
Post Falls Planning and Zoning | 6 p.m. Regular meeting. Post Falls City Hall, 408 N. Spokane St. 208-773-8708. postfallsidaho.org
Spirit Lake City Council | 6:30 p.m. Regular meeting. Spirit Lake City Hall, 6042 W. Maine St. 208-623-2131. spiritlakeid.gov
Harrison Planning and Zoning Commission | 7 p.m. Regular meeting. Harrison City Hall, 100 E. Frederick Ave. 208-689-3212. cityofharrisonid.com
Rathdrum City Council | 6 p.m. Regular meeting. Rathdrum City Hall, 8047 W. Main St. 208-687-0261. rathdrum.org