Monday, October 07, 2024

DEMOCRACY: Try this, America

| October 12, 2018 1:00 AM

Is our democracy working? Why are the rich getting richer and the poor getting poorer? That must indicate that all economic classes are not represented effectively in the government. Or does it mean that we are not working together as a nation to assure that all are equally treated, have the same opportunities? Is the nation’s government in a rut which they cannot climb out of? Or can we still save ourselves? If so, how?


- Create term limits for representatives. Then where would the expertise come from? Maybe the political parties could be a forum for discussions on these topics and others that come up. The local press has also a role in this.

- Vet all those running for office. This includes tax returns.

- Create a template for campaign speeches. Encourage lists of items to work on, how the person would vote and, if he/she has been in office before, how did they vote? No more relying on digs at the other candidates.

- Create visions of what the government can do for the people. And what the people can do to help govern.

I intend to join a political party and attend their meetings. Hope there are discussions.

