ON THE AGENDA: Your local government and schools in action
This list of local government meetings taking place this week includes just highlights from published meeting agendas that are available. To view the complete agenda, visit the web addresses included with the listings or call the entities directly.
Coeur d’Alene General Services Committee | Noon. Regular meeting. Agenda includes: approval of agreement with American Legion Baseball for use of Thorco Field at Ramsey Park, approval of 3-year agreement with ROW Adventures for access to Independence Point Beach for kayak guided tours, approval of Amendment No. 1 to the agreement for professional services with J-U-B Engineers for design of compost facility improvements. Library Community Room, 702 E. Front Ave. 208-769-2231. cdaid.org
Post Falls Parks and Recreation Commission | 6 p.m. Workshop. Agenda includes: Thrift Store design, update and naming and Black Bay update. Post Falls City Hall, 408 N. Spokane St. 208-773-0539. postfallsidaho.org
Rathdrum Parks and Recreation Commission | 6 p.m. Regular meeting. Rathdrum City Hall, 8047 W. Main St. 208-687-2399. rathdrum.org
Hauser Planning Commission | 6:30 p.m. Regular meeting. Hauser City Hall, 11837 N. Hauser Lake Road. 208-777-9315. cityofhauser.org
North Idaho College Board of Trustees | 6 p.m. Agenda includes: Accept NIC Financial Audit for Year Ending June 30, 2018, Authorize Design for Meyer Health and Sciences Building Expansion. North Idaho College, Edminster Student Union Building, 1000 W. Garden. 208-769-3316. nic.edu
Rathdrum City Council | 6 p.m. Regular meeting. Rathdrum City Hall, 8047 W. Main St. 208-687-0261. rathdrum.org