Tuesday, October 08, 2024

ELECTION: Food for thought

| November 16, 2018 12:00 AM

On Election Day, it was again an honor to serve as a poll worker. Tears of pride came to my eyes as the long lines of citizens waited in the cold, sometimes rainy weather without complaint passing the time in friendly conversation. On that cold, gray day, it was evident there was the bright light of patriotism in our midst. Our identities were that of American, not Republican, not Democrat or other. It was time to cast our votes as our forefathers had intended and the lost lives and bravery of those who continue to fight and die guarantee to us all.

This was one of life’s Golden Moments of which I will never forget. Sadly, less than a week later a letter entitled “Morality is Key” appeared in your paper stating that the voters of Kootenai County have and will continue to prefer to “elect a dumb ole Republican any day than a smart Democrat.” I have never seen narrow-minded bias more clearly stated. We do live in the land of the free and God did create us with free will. Just because someone does not think exactly as you do, does not mean they are wrong. It simply means they are American just as our Constitution intends.

Let us never forget there are countries past and present that have mandated all their people believe and follow only one thought, one regime. Dissent, freedom of speech, religion and the press are strictly forbidden. The needy and the poor are cast aside. The writer was responding to Steve Cameron’s article questioning Rebecca Schroeder’s District 4 loss while Proposition 2 passed handily. Thank you Rebecca, Luke Mayville and many thousands for doing the very moral act of working tirelessly for the sick and dying, the working poor and those yet to be diagnosed with serious illnesses who will one day be able to receive insured medical care and treatment.

May we always remember and speak out for the freedoms we enjoy. We can disagree with our fellow citizens without vilifying them. We can consider educating ourselves about candidates beyond an R or a D behind their name. We might consider the actions and mutual respect of those friendly, respectful American citizens who stood in line on Tuesday, Nov. 6. Remember when you vote, all of us proudly have an A behind our name.


Coeur d’Alene