Sunday, October 06, 2024

SOUZA: For state Senate

| November 3, 2018 1:33 AM

I write to support the re-election of Senator Mary Souza. We need her to continue representing us and fighting for our community’s education choices, as well as for our teachers.

Mary Souza supported an additional $100 million increase in education funding every year that she has been in the Senate. She also voted to fund the Teacher Salary Career Ladder as well as leadership premiums for teachers. Mary supports Advanced Opportunity scholarships and Career Technical choices for our students.

Mary backed the early reading programs designed to help our children in kindergarten through third grade to be able read at grade level. She has worked to support both teachers and students during her previous terms and we need her back to continue those efforts. Our young people of today, are our future leaders of tomorrow. That’s why I’m voting for Mary Souza and urging others to do the same.

Carroll Carey
