GOOKIN: For county clerk
I have been a Kootenai County employee. I can tell you that the employees at the county are some of the hardest-working people I’ve ever had the pleasure of working with. I can also speak to the importance of having employees and elected officials who work together well, act professionally, and always put the good of the county and the citizens as their priority. Because of this, I can say confidently that Dan Gookin is, by far, the best choice for Kootenai County clerk.
The behavior and policies of the current clerk DO make it harder for employees to do their jobs. I have personally seen him and some of his staff members act unprofessionally and have seen errors go ignored because others are reluctant to stand up to him and risk retribution. Make no mistake — these problems are costing taxpayers money.
Dan Gookin has made a series of YouTube videos talking about his concerns with the Clerk’s Office. I have watched every one of those videos and can say with firsthand knowledge that his concerns are valid. This election will provide a significant opportunity to increase the transparency, accuracy, professionalism, morale and budget practices at the county, but none of that will happen without a change of leadership. I urge every voter to join me in voting for Dan Gookin for Kootenai County Clerk.
Coeur d’Alene