Friday, May 10, 2024

AVISTA: Against the merger

| May 16, 2018 1:00 AM

Avista Sale to Hydro One: I would like to add a thought to the article printed on May 9. Mr. Singleton does not address that when we lose control of our source of power, it will have an effect on our factories and our homes. Cost of goods we buy, as well as the power for our homes will go up. We will not be able to enjoy the freedom to complain as we have today. Our utilities commission will not be able to protect us. As Mr. Singleton points out, we will be under the laws of a foreign country.

We will lose say on the quality of water and the fishing industry. Our government should have some say, because of all of the agreements like the Indian treaties that it will affect. The sale will affect our lives in every way.

Is it too late to complain to the Utilities Commission?


Post Falls