Friday, April 26, 2024

IDAHO: Immunize this

| June 22, 2018 1:00 AM

Greetings, inconsequential Idaho:

Home to (maybe) 0.5 percent of the U.S. population and also home to 8 of the 10 highest rate of philosophical/religious objectors to MMR vaccinations in U.S. counties.

Apparently much of Idaho agrees with Hollywood’s anti-immunization crowd and calls the Mayo clinic doctors liars? Maybe you can initiate a class action lawsuit against these Hollyweirdos for willfully giving out bad medical advice when your unimmunized kids get sick.

Does North Idaho realize these children will soon be adults and that four of the five biggest employers in the Inland Northwest are government agencies? A state government, a school district, a county government and an Air Force base. And the fifth one’s a hospital.

With no MMR (or other) vaccinations, where are these future adults going to work? So much for the Idaho westward morning migration to better paying jobs in Washington. We’re not complaining.


Newman Lake, Wash.