Saturday, December 28, 2024

WHAT IF: Two can play

| July 27, 2018 1:00 AM

Reality: Trump makes illegal immigration a major issue, with children separated from parents as they LEGALLY seek asylum. Imagined: Hillary wants dreamers in U.S. and no ICE breaking up families.

Reality: Trump tries tanking Obamacare and systematically works to dismantle it. Imagined: Hillary supports fixing ACA; wants no family bankrupt from medical bills.

Reality: Trump cuts taxes for the wealthy; no benefits to middle class. Imagined: Hillary supports MINIMUM living wage of $15 per hour; increases taxes of upper 5 percent.

Reality: Trump demands more defense spending; needed because all allies are insulted and dismissed. Trump sucks up to dictators (especially Putin); wants to become president for life. Imagined: Hillary hates Russia and punishes them for election meddling; makes a tour to all U.S. allies, assuring them of NATO importance.

Reality: Trump Foundation investigated for fraud. Foundation/Trump buys huge portrait of himself and “donates” money to favored politicians. Trump pays two women after affairs with them; wife gives birth during time of affairs. Imagined: Hillary divests herself of Foundation and releases tax returns.

Reality: Trump madly jealous of Barack Obama; tries to eliminate all accomplishments. Appoints federal judges for life that eliminates Roe/Wade, environment protection, etc. Imagined: Hillary embraces climate change and strives to improve quality of life for future generations. Appoints moderate federal judges for life.

Reality: Trump enhances “Swamp” and appoints swamp dwellers. Imagined: Hillary/Democratic Congress working and improving the life of every American, regardless of color, religion, lifestyle, etc.


