Friday, April 26, 2024

GAME: Playing 'What if?'

| July 22, 2018 1:00 AM

What if Hillary were president and Trump had lost? Let’s envision this for a moment.

- Illegal immigration isn’t an issue. All who want can come, get on our welfare system and live happily ever after. ICE is gone. No wall ever. We ARE a sanctuary nation.

- ObamaCare — the law of the land. Just sign up, you’re entitled to it, free to all. Eat, drink and be merry.

- Taxes raised on the wealthy — let them pay their fair share. They only pay about 85 percent of all federal taxes already; let them pay 95 percent.

- Defense budget cut — after all, the U.S. is the problem, pushing ourselves on other countries. Just talk nice, give them what they want and all will be well. Maybe get Barack to do another apology tour. He is soooo good at that!

- The Clinton Foundation is open for business … again! Donations in the billions pouring in — aahh — the great work they do. Just ask the people of Haiti.

- Breakfast with Barack every Monday morning to make sure they’re on the same page. Socialism is rapidly becoming a reality! And soon we will be like Venezuela, Cuba and China. Hmmm. Should maybe we give this a rethink?

- Man-made climate change: It is real, it really is real — REALLY?!

- The Swamp: Hillary has appointed Pelosi, Boxer and Feinstein to head up a committee to impeach Trump. Wait! He isn’t even the president! Oh well, they’ll impeach him anyway!

P.S. I really think 10:30 a.m. is too early for Hillary to rise. Maybe she can try for 11…ish.


Coeur d’Alene