CONSUMER: Further warnings
Thanks to Bill Brooks for a good article on popups. But I found an added danger spot. My husband is prone to viruses. He recently was denied access to his yahoo account. So I googled a yahoo mail expert. The third one listed as a yahoo mail expert I clicked on. Should have realized what the small print read: “3rd party microsoft expert.” He was a scammer. So the source of the trojan horse doesn’t need to be a pop-up.
Bill touched another topic that has really bugged me. About two years ago I bought some language CDs. I paid with my credit card. Unbeknownst to me, Washington Trust let them turn that into an automatic payment so that I would pay for the CDs many times over. When I discovered that and asked them why they allowed it, the young man said that by using my credit card, it showed I trusted the company. I never got my money back.
Paypal did the same thing but warned me so I could stop it.
Thanks for your research into these issues.