Wednesday, March 19, 2025

Elected officials turn on the lights

by Mike Patrick Staff Writer
| January 30, 2018 12:00 AM









Ask, and ye shall receive candidate financial disclosures.

Some of them, anyway.

In its Sunday editorial, The Press asked local city, county and state elected officials and candidates to voluntarily share information that might shed some light on potential conflicts of interest. The request was made after the House State Affairs Committee refused to allow a simple candidate financial disclosure bill to be heard, never mind voted on. The Sunday editorial promised that The Press will publish every financial disclosure statement submitted by candidates and elected officials in Kootenai County, and it will request that information from all candidates in upcoming elections.

Rep. Paul Amador, a Coeur d’Alene Republican, and Coeur d’Alene Mayor Steve Widmyer voluntarily submitted their financial disclosure information late last week. More followed (see below).

On Monday, in an editorial board meeting at The Press, Gov. Butch Otter and Lt. Gov. Brad Little both said they support the financial disclosure proposal that had been introduced by Rep. Tom Loertscher, R-Iona, chairman of House State Affairs. Otter and Little noted that they already disclose more specific financial information than the Loertscher bill would have covered.

Later Monday, 10 Idaho House Democrats voluntarily complied with the Loertscher proposal.

The Press will continue to publish financial disclosures from all elected officials in Kootenai County who voluntarily submit them. While members of urban renewal boards are not elected and therefore would be exempt from the Loertscher bill, The Press respectfully asks that URA board members also share this basic information.

Elected officials may send their financial disclosures to:

Here are some of the recent financial disclosures from local elected officials.


Member, Coeur d’Alene City Council

Primary Employer and Job Title: Quantum Particle Bottling Co., President/Owner

Entities Paying $5,000 or more: Quantum Particle Bottling Co., City of Coeur d’Alene

Boards: KMPO, representing the City of Coeur d’Alene

Spouse’s Name, Employer, Occupation: none



Mayor, City of Post Falls

My primary employer is bankcda, where I hold the title of Senior Vice President.

The only other other entity that has paid me over $5,000 is the City of Post Falls, where I serve as mayor.

As Mayor, I am a board member of Jobs Plus, but our Council President, Linda Wilhelm, is my representative on the Board.

My bride Susan is happily retired.



Chair, North Idaho College Board of Trustees

Employer: Retired- Coeur d’Alene Police Department. Persi retirement.

Veterans Benefits- U.S. Air Force

Boards- North Idaho College Board Chair

Kootenai County Task Force on Human Relations- President

City of Coeur d’Alene Parks and Rec- Commissioner

Spouse- David Wood- LAMAR Advertising



Member, Post Falls City Council

Paid positions: City of Post Falls (city council); Coeur d’Alene Summer Theatre (salaried executive director); Coeur d’Alene Press (contract columnist) *note that while a declared candidate for office my column did not appear in the Press so as not to be an unfair advantage over opponents during campaign; Mitchell Artists (contract roster actor).

Volunteer boards: North Idaho Housing Coalition (president); North Idaho College Workforce Training Center advisory council; Ronald D. Rankin Veterans Memorial Plaza at Kootenai County administration building and courthouse (curator-unpaid).

Husband, Robert Thoreson, Lakeland School District employee



Member, Hayden City Council

Employers: Roetter Window and Door Company, Inc. (President and owner) Consulting and expert witness services; Research Investigators (Owner) Investigative services

Boards: Hayden Urban Renewal Agency (Board Member) Volunteer

Karen Roetter, Spouse, United States Senate Regional Director