Wednesday, May 08, 2024

Carstensen shares financial disclosure

| February 21, 2018 12:00 AM

Even though they aren’t elected, some members of local urban renewal agency boards are stepping forward and voluntarily sharing their financial disclosures.

Post Falls leads the pack, with six of nine board members shining a light of transparency on their finances.

Make that seven.

Larry Carstensen submitted his information Tuesday afternoon. As a matter of fact, he submitted it earlier but it was lost in email purgatory.

Carstensen joins the movement of elected officials from Kootenai County who want citizens to know where potential conflicts of interest might surface. To see an updated list of those who have voluntarily submitted their financial disclosures (and those who haven’t), go to:

City, county and state elected officials from Kootenai County who haven’t done so yet may send their financial disclosure information to:



Post Falls Urban Renewal Agency

Profession: Retired

Entities paying me over $5,000 per year:

Social Security

Rental income


Spouse: Charlotte, retired