Friday, April 26, 2024

IMMIGRATION: Common sense ideas

| December 7, 2018 12:00 AM

One of the things dividing our country is the issue of illegal immigration. Way back in 2005 senators John McCain (R-AZ) and Ted Kennedy (D-MA) worked together and came up with the following.

“We proposed a three tier system. If someone had been here for two years or less, they would be deported if found. Those here for two to five years would have to return to a border entry point and apply for a temporary guest worker visa. As long as they passed a criminal background check, they would be allowed to stay. Those who had been living in the country for more than five years would be offered a path to citizenship. After an 11-year probationary period, in which they would have to come out of hiding, pay a penalty and any back taxes they might owe, submit to criminal background checks, and learn English, they could become citizens of the country they were already positively contributing to in numerous ways.” Quoted from “The Restless Wave” by John McCain and Mark Salter, p. 220.

Due to people trying to make unacceptable changes, this was never passed. The House didn’t have anything that was even close.

Much has been said of the “caravan” coming toward the border, including that there are many bad guys. Even if there are bad guys in the caravan, they are not very likely to try to enter the country legally. Their backgrounds would be discovered and they’d be deported, or possibly held for criminal prosecution. The vast majority of these people are good people trying to escape horrible circumstances at home. Actually, given that we now have more job openings than those seeking employment, perhaps we really need a lot of these people.

We do not need to make the U.S. into a national-sized Berlin by building a big ugly wall; neither do we want open borders. We do need a strong Border Patrol with enough manpower to properly patrol our border and catch those trying to illegally enter the U.S.


Spirit Lake