Sunday, October 27, 2024

McCAIN: Towering over Trump

| August 31, 2018 1:00 AM

Upon the return of the Vietnam POWs, the U.S. military undertook a comprehensive review and evaluation of all aspects of the POWs’ experience. I was privileged to have been assigned to that undertaking as a Reserve Officer in the United States Air Force.

One of my assignments was to review and comment on the classified summaries of Navy POWs. I remember paying particular attention to the John McCain documents. IF ever there was a WAR HERO, it was John McCain. When I hear over and over our present president deny the truth of John McCain’s service and diminish the terrible price he paid for loyalty to his country, I cannot help but compare the president and the senator.

Two words describe the Senator: INTEGRITY and HERO. One word describes the president: small.


Coeur d’Alene