Sheriff's Office to reorganize
Staff Writer
COEUR d'ALENE — The Kootenai County Sheriff's Office is reorganizing its staffing with hopes of being a more efficient operation and saving taxpayer money.
"The sheriff (Ben Wolfinger) and I reviewed our organization, and we saw there's room to streamline it at the top with respect to command staff and the roles they have in the organization," Undersheriff Dan Mattos said.
County commissioners recently approved a buyout proposal, while the KCSO is moving ahead with a reorganization plan.
"It is the sheriff's intention to work with the BOCC (board of county commissioners) in an effort to streamline KCSO operations and save taxpayer dollars," Mattos said.
The reorganization includes:
- eliminating the rank of major for two positions and making them captains.
- eliminating the need for two sergeant positions in the jail expansion by moving the current administrative sergeants back to the floor.
- adds one captain's position that will oversee professional standards and research and development and was recommended by the county's legal staff.
- adds one lieutenant in the jail to balance duties.
"Nobody is getting fired," Mattos said. "By pushing the majors' levels down to make them captains and utilizing two positions that were slated for the jail expansion, we'll be able to save taxpayers at least $40,000 and as much as $161,000. We'll have to work harder with what we've got to free up money for savings."
Regarding the pay matrix for the reorganization, the pay for the two existing majors will be retained and the matrix scale for that rank will be eliminated in favor of that of captains. The captains' matrix will be extended from five to nine years.
The buyout offer will be made to seven employees who qualify by being a sergeant or above and are within five points of retirement.
If the buyout is accepted, the employee would receive 1.5 percent of their current gross annual base pay per year of service. They would also be paid for all accrued vacation time and 18 months of insurance.
"The idea is to free up that position of a tenured person and fill it with someone for less money," Mattos said.
If the buyout is accepted, the employee must give a minimum of 30 days notice and exercise the option with the last day of employment on or before March 31, 2018. The offer is reduced 15 percent per month after Jan. 1, 2018.