TRUMP: A satirical look
It’s good to know Trump is going to protect us from alien children. Yes, lizard kids from Andromeda turning our daughters into best friends. Green-furred, cat-eyed girl refugees bring space rabies and greyscale to Earth.
Human Quizlings, Uncle Toms, Lord Haa Haas, Trumps and Judas Iscariots will quickly bring humans under control of our new star-lord guardians. Good jobs as stoop laborers, waiters, janitors, labor camp workers and tenant farmers for survivors will be provided.
Mandatory sterilization of non-useful human drones will bring population from 7 billion to a manageable 500 million workers.
Taxes will be paid to our off-world protectors in minerals, timber and land. Non-human colonists may use land developers (like Trump Corporation) for their housing and business properties.
Perhaps Trump can build Trump Towers for rich extraterrestrial bureaucrats and politicians, wealthy non-human businessmen and alien military beings here to protect their colonists from insane, criminal humans.
(This letter is satire, so chill out. It’s here to make you think.)
Coeur d’Alene