OUCH: That left a mark
Len Crosby obviously (like most liberals) can’t read or if he can, only reads what little words he can understand. You make us all laugh and once again we are Justified.
We are unabashadly unsympathetic to gouging the middle class and don’t value the services that we do not get from Coeur d’Alene PD when we contacted them about a pedophile’s remarks to our kids, so no, Wolfinger does not deserve another raise, again and again for crappy police officers.
This letter isn’t about volunteerism. You can bet your liberal butt police and Avista CEO don’t work for free to help community. It’s all about money. Where in the hell do you get off rambling, like a stuck liberal record, about my buddies that volunteer? It’s about lack of work (does not equate more pay), KCSO.
So next time read the words. Don’t just be another idiot liberal.
Go Trump.
Coeur d’Alene