Saturday, October 19, 2024

LEFT: Self-inflicted wounds

| September 3, 2017 1:00 AM

PBS recently televised the results of a study it performed to document confrontations between various marching groups and how violence escalates. They chose Portland, where liberal voters outnumber conservatives by a very high margin.

PBS wanted to document how the townspeople would react to a march of Trump supporters. They readied TV equipment and waited for something to occur. It wasn’t long before the national media provoked the ire of the Trump followers.

Their march began with several hundred carrying Trump banners. Soon, upwards of a thousand counter-marchers arrived to block the Trump marchers. The documentary revealed that many of the latter group wore black hoods to hide their identity and wield sticks or clubs to beat the Trump marchers. They seemed to be echoing Hillary’s campaign comments labeling Trump followers as racist bigots.

I was struck by the similarity of these hooded cowards to the KKK marchers of the Martin Luther King era. None of the major commercial TV networks called out these thugs for burning or destroying private and commercial property.

The political rancor displayed on the editorial page of last Sunday’s Press indicates that we are no longer “One Nation, Under God, Indivisible...” Keep cool and pray that God will be with our nation.


Post Falls