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Trojans outside hitter born and raised to put the ball away

by Jason Elliott Sports Writer
| October 26, 2017 1:00 AM


LOREN BENOIT/PressSenior Allison Munday has been an anchor for the Post Falls volleyball team. “Allison is a competitor,” second-year Post Falls coach Matt Barkley said. “She has a desire to win that permeates through our team. She wants to win and is willing to put in the work to get there." Munday will continue her education at the University of Idaho next fall and will join the Vandal volleyball team.

Allison Munday claims she was born hitting a volleyball with her hands.

If you’re not careful, or paying attention, she’s likely going to show you just how hard she can hit it.

For the first time since 2012, Post Falls High is back in the state 5A tournament, thanks to Munday and five other seniors who enter this week’s tournament at Coeur d’Alene High with a 26-12 record and some confidence that they can play with anyone they’ll see.

“This year, we’ve really just came together as a team this year,” Munday said. “We’re playing for each other and really relying on everyone to further our season this year.”

Late in the season, Post Falls beat Lewiston at home, then did it again on the road in the opening round of the 5A Region 1 tournament.

“Lewiston was a tough place to play,” Munday said. “Their cheering section was really loud. We really came together as a team and didn’t let it affect us. When I was up hitting, I had people on the bench telling me where to hit the ball. The last few weeks of the season, you could tell we wanted it really bad.”

After Coeur d’Alene eliminated Lewiston, the Trojans beat the Vikings to advance to a state play-in match, where they beat Kuna to advance.

“We’ve got six seniors on the team this year,” Munday said. “And it just came together this year.”

Munday surpassed 1,000 career kills earlier this season, passing Janelle Ruen for the school record. Munday enters state with 1,132 career kills.

Post Falls faces Eagle (17-2) in its opening match at state on Friday at 11 a.m.

“Allison is a competitor,” second-year Post Falls coach Matt Barkley said. “She has a desire to win that permeates through our team. She wants to win and is willing to put in the work to get there. She was at nearly every open gym and workout we had this summer, and has never been late to practice. But I believe her best quality is how she absolutely adores her family. She is always bragging about her little sister, Kylie, who is following in Allison’s footsteps in being an amazing volleyball player. Her little brother Carson is the apple of her eye. He has been drug around to volleyball tournaments since he was born and still loves it. Her parents have instilled in her that she needs to be committed to and love her volleyball family, but have also shown her that the most important family is the one she goes home to.”

And her family is one of the many reason she’ll remain in the area next fall, continuing her playing career at the University of Idaho. She is currently undecided on a major.

“I had a few smaller schools interested, but it’s really closer to home and I really like the program there,” Munday said.

PRESS: How long have you played on the varsity team?

MUNDAY: Been on varsity since my freshman year. It’s been super fun. As I’ve grown older, I’ve became more of a leader for the team. It’s been awesome.”

Why volleyball?

“My mom played volleyball when she was younger at U-High (in Spokane),” Munday said. “I just grew up with a volleyball in my hands bascially and it stuck.”

Any school clubs you’re involved in?

“I’m in National Honor Society and Spirit Club,” Munday said. “I’ve got a 3.8 grade point average and was ranked 50th in the class the last time I checked.”

Something your teammates don’t know about you?

“My teammates and I are really close. Maybe they don’t know I had a pet fish when I was younger. I don’t have any pets now — my mom’s allergic to most animals. I wish I had a dog. I hope to get a dog after college.”

What is some of your favorite music?

“I like a lot of the current hits. I’m listening to 96.9 right now in my car, or 105.7.”

Any hidden talents?

“I used to play the piano when I was younger. But I haven’t played in a while since volleyball took over. I really don’t have time anymore.”

What is your favorite class in school?

“English,” Munday said. “I like Mr. Johnson mostly. And it’s easy.”

Do you have a pre-match routine?

“On the way to games, I’ll listen to music and get in the zone. Once we’re in the locker room, I just like to spend time with my teammates and joke around.”

Favorite movie?

“I like the Bee Movie,” Munday said. “I don’t know why. I just think it’s super cute.”

Any hobbies?

“In the summer, I like to go boating and wake surfing,” Munday said. “In the winter, I like to go skiing. I don’t get out too often because I’ve got club volleyball on the weekends, but I try to get out a few times at least. I’ve skied since I was 4 or 5 and recently when I started to travel for club volleyball I haven’t been as much.”

Twitter or Instagram?

“I like Twitter.” “There’s a lot of funny stuff on Twitter. Funny videos and pictures. I try not to let it too important to me and finish my schoolwork first before I let myself get on social media for too long.”

What kind of influence has your family been on you as a player?

“There a huge influence on me. They’re definitely part of the reason why I’m playing college volleyball and gotten as far as I have. They’ve been there to support me and help me. My little brother and sister have been at almost every game, and that’s super important to me. That’s another benefit of Idaho is that they’ll be able to come to a lot of my games down there too.”