Sunday, October 06, 2024

LABRADOR: You know me

by U.S. Rep. Raul Labrador
| November 26, 2017 12:00 AM

Idahoans are rightly proud of our great state. Settled by pioneers, built by hard-working patriots and improved by world-class innovators, our success as a people is matched only by the majesty of our landscape. Idaho is truly the Gem State and the envy of many.

But we can do better. As I talk to Idahoans considering who they’ll choose as their next governor, I find a hunger for change, a yearning for transparency and a longing for an end to the good ol’ boy politics of the past. I believe Idahoans want a consistently conservative leader who reflects the values that make Idaho so special, a leader who aims high and will fight to unleash our full potential.

My loyalty is not to my political party, not to those who fund campaigns, not to the interest groups and their lobbyists who wield too much influence at the Statehouse. My loyalty is to the people and their deeply held beliefs in freedom, limited government and personal responsibility.

I’ve been tested in battle, beginning as freshman legislator at the Statehouse who helped kill tax hikes that disproportionately burdened working people. In Congress, I have taken on the Obama Administration and my own Republican leadership, fighting for fiscal restraint, open government and elimination of onerous federal regulations. I can and do say “no” to powerful special interests seeking favors from government.

During the 2016 campaign, at a particularly low moment when many elected Republicans were in hiding, I stood strong for Donald Trump and campaigned for him across the country.

In short, I am a conserva-tive you can count on.

I’m running for governor because I have a vision for a stronger, more prosperous Idaho. I will empower everyday people and restore the proper role of government.

I will get government out of the way for Idaho’s small businesses. No more government picking winners and losers. We’ll slash tax rates for individuals and companies alike, level the playing field by gutting tax loopholes for special interests, and invigorate our economy through innovation.

I will unleash the potential of teachers, parents, and school boards by ending Common Core and renewing Idaho’s tradition of local control. We must believe in our students and hold them to the highest standards. That requires meaningful opportunities after high school, in vocational and higher education.

I will work to make healthcare more affordable and more accessible. This includes continuing the fight against Obamacare, and replacing it with free-market solutions.

I will defend Idaho values, including the right to life and freedom of religion. I will safeguard our birthright to hunt, fish and recreate by opposing heavy-handed federal bureaucrats and environmental extremists who have made too much of our public lands inaccessible. I will fight the crony capitalists and level the playing field for all, making government more accountable, more efficient, more transparent, and fully open for citizen review.

Over the years you’ve come to know me. You have watched me fight for you, opposing those who prop up the establishment to continue business as usual. You watched me deliver on my promises and stick to my principles. You know I always speak plainly, even when it brings howls from editorialists and special interests.

You know I’m not just another slick politician making empty promises. You know exactly what to expect from me. You know you can trust me.

As a voter, I encourage you to think critically about the importance of this race, the records of the candidates on issues that matter to you, and to cast your vote based on verifiable facts, ignoring empty rhetoric and misleading attacks. If you do this, I am hopeful you will decide I’ve earned your support to be Idaho’s next governor. Together, we can make Idaho even stronger.